


?! "Have baby with celebrity's wife forcibly, that your children can take out his property and social identity"

稲荷様 explain an old Japan social hidden rule that, even if your children were not yours, you still need to bring them up.
and, if you lose a knife contest, the winner can take away loser's wife. OH! I feel cold.
Since he lose the contest, right? But, why his wife need to pay for the loser? this doesn't make sense!

I got to tell you! If the same crime happened in Taiwan or in US, those babies might drink the poisoned milk;
of course, the doctor and police would say that, the baby die naturally and burn it.
Too many ways to make it legally, and protect the woman strongly.
and, you're sure to have the broken foots and hands in jail for 10 years, and the jail police neither see anything from you, nor stop anything at all.

Do the right thing! or you also can't live in US or Taiwan.





and, the DNA Test WORKS.
if the DNA test report fails, we can divorce with wife very fast, and that unknown baby also not my boy in law.

or, I just forget to bring him to see the doctor? I forget to bring him home, and leave him in the mountain top? I forget to feed him milk?
I forget to give him clothes? or, have you listen a name of 陳進興? what happened to his family and children.
his family all move to China! even the American forgot to save his children.





why you did so horrible things to women? Are you a human being?
As if your mother, sister or wife encounter the unfortune, how do you feel?

I got to tell you... if you really do these damn things to her, your children might be most of girls. no more boys.
even you have a male decendant, he must be sick and weak. Be nice to girls, they can help you by her magical.





>______< ..( horrible!

About my wife, she is also a modern witch. haha. and, I didn't know this at first, until she told me.
I chased her for 5 years, after one day she told me that she was pregnant, then we started to prepare the wedding.

She also have the better choices, for example, a medical student, but,
he gave her up in the 2nd year, and chased the other girl classmates. Hmm! I was a lucky man who was picked up by her :D
so glad that he also has the other girlfriends, that I have the chance to win my wife's love, and she became my girlfriend from then. haha! worthy keep waiting!

hehe! love her, marry her, and live without them :D
Hmm, although many competitors....always boys there around her....
fortunately, I never give up, maybe I lose other at first, but, she took my ring in final.

the boys' competition is tough... when we're young, compete with handsome, body, car, computer-fixing ability, graduate school, and feeling.
after graduation, always add saving, investment, and salary. must defeat them with the self conditions.
I said that, "I'll buy a house for living, and I already buy 60 stocks for saving. You should know this, because ... "
then she said "yes" to me :D

