【HTC】HTC Hero Part.1【キャリア未定】
597白ロムさん [sage]



Android 2.1 HTC Hero update coming by March 2010
HTC have confirmed to us that the much-anticipated Android 2.1 update for the HTC Hero is expected to arrive in Europe and Asia
sometime in late February or March 2010. The update will bring with it much of the new HTC Sense functionality added to
the HTC Legend and HTC Desire as well.
The actual feature set will vary depending on carrier and sales region.
One of the noticeable features of the new Sense is Friend Stream, which pulls out Facebook, Twitter and Flickr updates from all contacts
into a single list; unfortunately it will also be one of the features availability of which will vary.

HTC Hero update to Android 2.1 pegged for mid-March
PR released today indicates that we can expect the Hero to get an Android 2.1 update with Sense in "mid March" according to
HTC's Benelux team, and it'll feature a new Friend Stream widget that aggregates user updates across services (presumably a nod to Blur),
tweaked Exchange support, and a handful of other goodies.


